GPS timeseries at JPL
We produce various position timeseries using the GipsyX software in a Precise Point Positioning mode. We use our Network Processor software to manage the large numbers of PPP jobs on a linux cluster. In some cases, a troposphere series is also retained.
Our series:
Western North America & Global
- 1992-present
- Version "repro2018a" completed Oct 2019 using GipsyX in ITRF14 is current
- Position and troposphere series are extended on a weekly basis
- Metadata from SOPAC xml files (login as anonymous, password=email)
- View a map of the network (opens in new window)
- Download from: https://sideshow.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/JPL_GPS_Timeseries/repro2018a/raw/
- also available via the joint SIO and JPL ESESES MEaSUREs website
- Higher-level data products based on this series:
- At the ESESES MEaSUREs website for JPL and SIO Solid Earth joint data products:
- MGVIZ GIS-based plotting tool
- a combination of the JPL and SIO series
- outliers removed; offsets determined; spatial filtering
- derived troposphere products
- derived strain, transient, and water storage products.
- At JPL:
- plots
- outliers removed; offsets determined and velocities are estimated
- At the ESESES MEaSUREs website for JPL and SIO Solid Earth joint data products:
- 1992-08-16 to present:
- Created using GIPSY's precise point positioning (PPP) capability with JPL GIPSY Final Orbits, reprocessed in 2018 in IGS14
- GPT2 troposphere with GPT2 nominals
- IGS14 absolute antenna calibrations
- Second-order ionosphere
Extended network
- Updated irregularly
- Includes PPP solutions for permanent and campaign sites
- All data courtesy of GEONET/GSI
- Daily PPP positions: Inquire for availability
- Subdaily Tohoku-Oki positions and coseismic offsets from the ARIA project: Download location
Disclaimer: JPL's time series products are intended for research and educational purposes only. Commercial use requires prior approval from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
Who we are:
- Angelyn.Moore (at) jpl.nasa.gov - Network Processor development; Western North America & Global; Japan GEONET; Extended network
- Sharon.Kedar (at) jpl.nasa.gov - Western North America & related strain products
- Michael.Heflin (at) jpl.nasa.gov - JPL higher-level data products
Susan.Owen (at) jpl.nasa.gov also contributed to these timeseries, and we enjoy helpful interactions with many other GIPSY developers at JPL.